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자료검색 > 상세페이지 [기관 : 울주도서관 ]

(The) carrot seed
BOOK (The) carrot seed


예약, 청구기호, 등록번호, 낱권, 자료실, 매체구분, 대출상태, 반납예정일에 따른 소장정보를 안내하는 표입니다.
청구기호 등록번호 낱권 자료실 매체구분 대출상태 반납예정일 예약
JW843-562 AM0000300186 어린이자료실 인쇄자료(책자형) 대출가능

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Amazon.com Ruth Krauss, author of A Hole Is to Dig, has crafted a story almost Zen-like in its simplicity. A little boy plants a carrot seed and waits patiently, tending to it carefully, while everyone around him insists that "it won't come up." His conviction is steadfast, however, and sure enough, a carrot worthy of first prize at any state fair springs forth from the earth. Krauss's husband, Crockett Johnson (creator of Harold and the Purple Crayon), illustrated The Carrot Seed, and while the little boy is rendered with uncomplicated lines, all of his hope, confidence, and serenity shine through. The image that resonates most strongly in this minimalist tale is the unfaltering faith of the mild-mannered little boy. Young readers learn that standing your ground in the face of opposition and doubt can often result in twice the reward expected (even thrice the reward, if judging by the girth of this carrot). (Ages 4 to 8) --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

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